Hello Friends!

My name is Lucas Kreuzer…

…and I am always curious about new things. No matter how small, large, near, or far away they are. That’s probably the reason, why I have become a scientist. You never know, what new thing is hiding just around the corner. 

I created this website to share my research and other science news with you. Science is part of our society and scientific results have to be easily accessible as well as understandable. Sadly, a lot of great science hides behind paywalls or expert language, which blocks its way into the broad public. Simultaneously, we live in times of information overload, fake news, and conspiracy theories, and sometimes I ask myself, how to limit this information flow to a healthy level, while being able to distinguish between valuable information and disguised bullshit.

Anyhow, thanks for stepping by! I hope you can take something with you from this place. It might not be something you have been specifically looking for, but that’s not a bad thing, right? ☺️



Towards sustainable batteries 🔋⚡️

Soft organic electronics for batteries, super-capacitors, and solar cells

Dynamic processes in spider silk proteins 🕷️🕸️

Structure and dynamics in liquid metal alloys: simulation and experimental studies


Your Friendly Physicist & other Nerds

other SciComm projects